This tutorial will tell you how to set up a KIP checker client. First, go to the node software download website, click Download Checker Client, and right-click CLI for Linux. Copy the address link to the file.

On your server, make sure screen and unzip are installed.

Then download the file with the following command (replace the link below with your copied one):


Next, unzip and delete the file afterward, then go into the folder:

unzip && rm && cd KIP-Checker-Node-Client-Linux-1.0.1

Inside the folder, execute this command which will display the path of the folder and which you need to copy:


Open the .bashrc file..

cd && nano ~/.bashrc

.. and add this line at the bottom of it (change the path with the one you got with pwd or just change YOUR-USER with your own user):

export PATH=$PATH:/home/YOUR-USER/KIP-Checker-Node-Client-Linux-1.0.0

Save the file with CTRL + X, then Y, then ENTER.

Refresh the file:

source ~/.bashrc

Go back into the KIP node folder with…

cd KIP-Checker-Node-Client-Linux-1.0.1

.. and create a new screen session with a log file:

screen -S "KIP" -L -Logfile "KIPScreenLog"

Generate a new burner wallet address with:

kipnode wallet create

Verify that the address has been created with:

kipnode wallet list

Go to the node delegation part of the KIP dashboard and delegate your nodes to the burner wallet the KIP checker client has generated for you.

After you delegated your nodes to the burner wallet address, you need to approve the nodes:

kipnode license approve --all

Finally, start the client:

kipnode license start --all

That’s it! 🙂