To begin with, head to the website, click the “Download v for Linux CLI” button, and download the file. Next, upload the file with MobaXTerm to your VPS with this red-circled button:

Then unzip everything:

tar -zxf "AethirCheckerCLI-linux-"

Go into the folder:

cd AethirCheckerCLI-linux-eu

Install the Aethir node first:

sudo ./

Create a new screen session:

screen -S "Aethir" -L -Logfile "AethirScreenLog"

Type in bash, hit Enter, and execute the following:

sudo ./AethirCheckerCLI

If you set up the node for the first time, you must create a new wallet with:

aethir wallet create

It will show you a private key and a public key. The private one is for your backup, save it somewhere. Also note down the public one, to which you want to delegate the node license in the Aethir dashboard.

After delegating the license to your public key in the dashboard, go back to the VPS and execute:

aethir license list --pending

You will see a pending license (or multiple ones), which you can all approve with the following command:

aethir license approve --all

Verify that all licenses are delegated and running by executing this:

aethir license summary

You’re done. Exit the screen using STRG (CTRL) + A + D.